The illustrated Canon
The quarterly magazine of the Baker Street Irregulars, and much more.
See online photos of BSI Dinners, explore the BSI Archive at Harvard, listen to reminiscences of BSI members, and learn about BSI history.
I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere
The first podcast for Sherlock Holmes devotees, by Sherlock Holmes devotees. Scott Monty and Burt Wolder regularly chat about Sherlockian pursuits and interview a wide variety of subjects, including authors, actors, organizers and more.
The ultimate site of Sherlock Holmes-related links. Just about every link you could imagine. Run by Chris Redmond.
"I have almost every link in my hands" [TWIS]
The Sherlock Holmes Society of London
A truly magnificent site that pleases the mind as well as the eyes. Excursions, subscription information, downloads, articles, news, membership information, merchandise. An amazing and organized collection of SHSL-related material. Many good links as well.
A collection of links, including Peter Blau's invaluable lists of Baker Street Irregular investitures and other items.
DeWaal's Universal Sherlock Holmes
bibliography on-line (and searchable)
Top-ten lists, manuscript details, and the e-world of Sherlock Holmes, all from Randall Stock.
Sherlockian societies and their members.